


Location: On Campus

Dates: June 21 - July 2 (2 Weeks): M-F 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.

Fee: $1300

Prerequisite: None

Instructor: Jose Ojeda and Waleska McGlone


The Reading Workshop & STEM program is designed for students entering grades 3 in the fall. Students will develop essential reading, and study skills and will introduce strategies to read faster, more accurately, and with greater reading comprehension.


This program is structured to allow for simple, predictable transitions from Reading to play to STEM. Students will practice meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text. Use context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and understanding, rereading as necessary. In addition, students will practice and fine-tune spelling, key word and inference elimination strategies. The afternoon will include lunch, group play, swimming and STEM. STEM activities are geared to incite curiosity and innovative thinking. Students should expect to engage in conversations about texts while having fun engaging in the following activities:

9:00-11:00 AM: Complete a warm-up reading prompt that sets the stage for concepts introduced in the lessons. Learn and practice a reading and organizational skills with short quizzes to apply what has been learned.

11:00-12:00 PM: Lunch and Recess (Swimming 3xs per week Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday)

12:00-2:00 PM: Students will work collaboratively with a partner/ partners on Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math based practical projects that are fun yet challenging. Students will be required to write age appropriate science research questions and solutions.


Since students will complete most of their reading in class; there will be many opportunities for the teacher to provide informal feedback. The teacher will conference with students regularly during the class period, providing oral feedback and some informal written notes on their work. Students will regularly submit reading comprehension quiz scores and provide self-evaluations of what they have learned from their mistakes and what strategies they will use going forward. At the end of the course, with the teacher, students will reflect on their reading progress and set personal reading goals for the upcoming school year.